About Geez

Retired TV producer and composer/producer of music for television, Stephen Geez has mellowed into the lakeside-living life of a writer, editor, graphic-artist, and Fresh Ink Group publisher. His work includes novels, short fiction, personal-experience essays, blogs, GeezWriter How-To material for authors, podcasts, video scripts, marketing content, and more.
Geez News
Beem Weeks tours STRANGE HWY: Short Stories
If you ever find yourself on the Strange Hwy—don’t turn around. Don’t panic. Just. Keep. Going. You never know what you’ll find. You’ll see magic at the fingertips of an autistic young man; A teen girl’s afternoon, lifetime of loss; A winged man, an angel? Demon—? Mother’s recognition, peace to daughter; Danny’s death, stifled secrets; Black man’s music, guitar transforms boy; Dead brother, open confession; First love, supernatural?—family becomes whole! You can exit the Strange Hwy, and come back any time you want. See, now you know the way in, don’t be a stranger.
GeezWriter Series Updating
Geez announces newly updated editions of his GeezWriter series. The first five are available now with the distinctive crab logo. Want to learn advanced techniques in POV, narrative, dialogue–or how to develop your own outlining system? Check out GeezWriter. Each installment includes vivid examples and practice assignments.
Geez Releases New What Sara Saw
A new edition of What Sara Saw with updated cover and interior is now available in print and all ebook editions. Whence comes the power of art? Phrekka wonders as Geoffrey chases the riddle of who Sara might be. This is literary fiction for serious readers with heart.